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Can ChatGPT fact-check your Bumble date’s real height?

Scamming, exaggerating, and lying have become synonymous with dating apps these days. Before swiping right, a flood of thoughts rushes through our mind, and one of them is definitely: can I really trust what’s in their bio, or is it just too good to be true?
One thing many (men) seem to lie about is their height, as pop culture and society often associate height with attractiveness.
Recent viral hits like “I’m looking for a man in finance, 6’5, blue eyes” have struck a chord with many women, perhaps, further pressuring men to stretch the truth about their height in dating app bios. As a result, it’s becoming harder for people to trust if someone’s really being honest about their height.

However, according to social media, ChatGPT might be the solution to this problem.
ChatGPT is everywhere, and there’s no denying that. Today, however, it’s being used for many reasons beyond what you’d expect from AI. Some people flirt with AI, while others use it to find out if the people they’re flirting with in real life are lying—especially about their height.
Recently, social media have been flooded with posts where women are using ChatGPT to find out if their matches on dating apps like Hinge, Bumble, or Tinder are lying about their height. This can be done simply by uploading pictures into the AI and asking it to estimate their height.
One viral reel on Instagram features a woman sharing her experience in a podcast about how she matched with a guy whose bio claimed he was 6’2. After some analysis with ChatGPT, she discovered he was actually 5’7, and he eventually confessed to being 5’8 after some questioning by the podcast hosts.
See the full video here:
Other similar videos also show women trying to find heights of their dates or famous personalities, which they claim AI is guessing accurately.
For this experiment, we first started with famous Indian celebrities to test the accuracy of ChatGPT, as their heights are publicly known and verifiable. However, the experiment soon seemed to fail, as ChatGPT was able to tell us the actual height of Bollywood through the information available online, rather than analysing the picture.
For instance, when it was not able to figure out Shah Rukh Khan’s height through his photos, GPT answered, “I can’t determine someone’s height from an image alone. However, if you’re referring to Shah Rukh Khan, he’s reported to be around 5 feet 8 inches.”

ChatGPT’s response when we asked it to find SRK’s height. Photo: ChatGPT/Author

So, we decided to put this to the test using people we know and their actual heights. First up was a colleague, a fellow journalist who stands at 5 feet tall. We uploaded a few of her photos, and ChatGPT estimated her height at 5 feet 4 inches. But let us tell you, getting to that 5’4” guess wasn’t exactly a straightforward process.
At first, we uploaded a few photos, and the AI wasn’t able to figure out the height easily. Have a look at our discussion:
There’s no denying that GPT and other AIs are clever enough to handle almost anything, but catching a human in a lie—especially when it comes to their height—seems to be where it draws the line. For now, at least!
